The goals of addressing student evaluation are to:
- measure a student’s academic achievement and competency development
- promote timely and specific feedback to students so they can evaluate their progress
- identify students with academic difficulty to support and provide remediation as needed and identify and recognize outstanding students.
These goals are achieved by the following objectives:
Objective 1: Student evaluations must be based upon learning objectives that are competency-based and criterion-referenced when possible.
Objective 2: Performance-based assessment must be a component of course and clerkship evaluation plans.
Objective 3: Formative evaluations and feedback must be incorporated into the evaluation process.
Objective 4: Summative evaluations of students’ learning must be based upon competency-based objectives.
Objective 5: Evaluation by individuals, other than teaching faculty [e.g., students (self and peer), patients, nurses], when possible, will be incorporated into the evaluation process.
Objective 6: Assessment of the professionalism competency must be incorporated in the evaluation process for all clerkships, and is strongly encouraged in preclinical courses.
Objective 7: A uniform competency-based evaluation system must be maintained.